Calling all our overworked community managers! Does it ever feel like there’s just too much darn community to manage? Streamline your daily workflow by integrating multiple accounts into OMQ, giving you a single destination for campaign monitoring, data analysis, account management and more.
Our embeddable widget makes it as easy as 1-2-&-cheese to put up a photo stream gallery on your website, based on brand- or campaign- specific hashtags. Not only will you have fresh, targeted content supplied with no work on your part, but you’ll get your fans engaged on a whole new level.
Ah, hashtags. Their unparalleled ability to help you capture your brand’s story under one umbrella? #LOVE. What we’re so not fond of, though--SPAM. OMQ provides full moderation of your photo stream, allowing you to create a cohesive visual tapestry with maximum resonance and relevance.
You can flit about with terms like ‘brand awareness’ and ‘visual conversation’...or you can use hard data to gauge ROI, fan engagement, campaign performance and all other Insta-fame metrics. OMQ analytics provide the comprehensive overview needed to help measure success and strategize effectively for your brand.
Starting, monitoring and optimizing Instagram campaigns is an absolute breeze with OMQ’s user-friendly dashboard. Set up hashtags and dates, begin tracking submissions, and tweak the details, in less time than it takes to choose the perfect filter.
Make connections with your brand’s most enthusiastic fans! With promo management from OMQ, identify advocates with the biggest reach and best ROI (a.k.a. your new BFFs) and cultivate the relationships that matter most for your brand.